Kenapa Pendaftaran Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik adalah Hal yang Tidak Perlu

Saya biasanya malas berkomentar di publik terhadap kebijakan pemerintah, tapi kali ini tampaknya sudah keterlaluan. Kalian pasti sudah dengar tentang blokir yang dilakukan oleh Kemenkominfo terhadap Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik yang tidak/belum terdaftar, seperti Steam dan Paypal. Kali ini saya akan membahas mengapa peraturan ini kontradiktif, tidak didasari oleh argumentasi yang kuat, dan tidak efisien. Namun […]

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Speeding Up Pandas Rows Filtering

Pandas, similar to Numpy, is one of Python data analysis libraries. It has a feature that allows us to filter rows from a DataFrame based on certain criteria and it’s really easy to do it. For instance, I have a DataFrame df that has four columns, e.g. source IP address, source port, destination IP address, […]

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Network Traffic Data Set for Intrusion Detection System Research

DARPA 1999 IDS Evaluation Data Set is the most common publicly available data set for intrusion detection. It consists of 5 sets from capturing the activities in a simulated environment. Those sets represent 5 weeks of the capturing process. The first and third week are attack free and usually used for training the intrusion detection, […]

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Using fit_generator() in Keras

Keras is my favourite deep learning library when I need to get things done fastly. When training a deep learning model, sometimes we face an enormous data set that doesn’t fit into your RAM. So instead of loading all rows into the memory, we can just load what we need by using the fit_generator() function. […]

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